Where Have You Been?

It’s been a few days since I last blogged, and I’m trying to be good about keeping the blog current.  So, my apologies for the silence.  Really Important Bloggers usually drop out of the blogosphere for days and weeks because they are attending conferences, meeting fans, traveling the world, etc.  What’s my excuse?  If you must know, I have been reading/researching Victorian England, and working on the ole Query Letter (as well as the usual family, church, etc. stuff–the warp and woof of my life, if you will).  The Query Letter is coming along… not quite there yet.  While I have been blogging about writing Query Letters, as I have made clear, I base my information on what I have learned, not on my experience.  So, I know theoretically what this thing should look like, but it is a real exercise in creativity to make it work–to get all the elements in there so you not only convey what the novel’s about, but so the writing sings.  Getting it to a point where an agent says “hmm… I should probably take a look at this” would be wonderful.  Of course, if I can so work the query that agents are spilling coffee in their rush to get pages from me, that would be quite gratifying also.  But I like to keep my aspirations within the realms of reality.

Anyway, that’s what I’m up to.  I have some further blogs planned–the next in the Query series, and also a series on Paul’s Epistle to the Romans (yes, I know the blog has been lacking on the theology front).  So, don’t go away.  Well, actually, you probably may as well since you will eventually need to use the bathroom, and eat, and perhaps sleep, depending on your time zone.  And what if I don’t get to this stuff until tomorrow?  You’d end up sleeping in your chair, and then you’d have to call in sick at work because you’ve been told to wait for updates, and frankly, I don’t want to be responsible for you losing your job, or your kids getting into something because you weren’t attending to them… but check back later.  OK? 🙂


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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