Querying and Dating

Today I received a rejection from the wonderful agent who requested my full manuscript. <sigh>. She’s still a wonderful agent–I’m not that petty. Really, it would have been a lot of fun working with her, but she determined that my novel wasn’t a good fit for her. And that’s fair enough. The last thing a writer needs is an agent who doesn’t love your novel trying to sell it to a publisher. That just won’t work.

I have read that the process of querying is much like dating because sometimes the sting of rejection can be as harsh. I would have to say that would depend on your experience of dating. At least with an agent you can still part ways on good terms; that doesn’t always happen in romantic situations. For me, the agent-rejection hasn’t been too bad. Though it is kind of weird when I look at the long list of agents I have yet to query and think to myself, “Oh well–there are plenty of fish in the sea…”


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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