Liebster Award!

Kate Lineberger has nominated me for a Liebster Award! How cool is that? Thanks Kate! What’s a Liebster Award? It’s basically an award given by bloggers to other bloggers who have inspired you or who have somehow earned your appreciation. It’s generally given to blogs that are relatively low-traffic to encourage others to visit them.

Part of the acceptance rules is to pass on the Liebster–to nominate bloggers for the Liebster. That’s the hard part! There are many blogs I could give a Liebster to, but most of them are fairly high-traffic so, strictly wouldn’t qualify. Although, for all I know, the couple I have chosen might have gazillions of readers. Anyway, my criteria for the ones I have chosen are: 1) they have inspired me to think and write about something (either as a comment on their site, or as a blog article here); 2) they are fiction writers; 3) I think they write well and I want to encourage them.

So here are my nominations:

Anna Banks: I believe when I first encountered Anna’s blog, she was still querying her novel. She is now a published author (congrats Anna!) with her book, Of Poseidon, coming out in the not-too-distant future.

Alison Trotta: Alison is a very thoughtful writer, and often comes up with interesting, thought-provoking topics to comment on. She has written a poetry collection that is available from Amazon (and on her blog).

Kate Lineberger: I don’t see anything in the rules about not Liebster-ing the person who Liebster-ed you–but this isn’t a case of “right back at ya!” Kate fulfills the criteria, so why not?


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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2 Responses

  1. Kate says:

    Thank you so very much, Colin! I’m very glad to have to have you as a blogger friend. 🙂

  2. Ali says:

    Thanks again, Colin! 🙂

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