The Rewards of Commenting

I’ve been blogging now since June, not always as regularly as I am currently, but I’ve been here nevertheless. Only in the last few weeks, however, have I been checking stats, seeing how many visits the blog is getting, which posts people tend to visit and so on. You know what I mean. Anyway, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the number of hits my blog has received. I mean, we’re not talking hundreds… not even a hundred… but close! And for a newbie like me who thinks this blog is mere mumbling into the ether, that’s quite encouraging!

"This is not the Colin D Smith you are looking for..."

Of course, I know that some of those hits are from people who have googled “doctor who” or something like that, found my site, realized it wasn’t what they wanted, and moved on in a matter of moments. And there are those who find my blog and realize “this is not the Colin D Smith I was looking for”–though I’m sure it’s just a Jedi mind trick someone’s playing. But–and here’s the neat thing–some of these visits are from people who actually find what they want here. Or they actually come to this blog deliberately and with willful intent. And… and… what’s more… some people actually come back!! And I know this how? The comments! There are a couple of folks (you know who you are) that have commented on my blog more than once and not all on the same post!

Anyway, I want you to know that while I appreciate every visit, even if it’s just a nanosecond blip that sends a small thrill up the spine of my stat counter, I especially appreciate those who take the time to comment. And I would like you to know that I am rewarding each commenter by adding their blog to my RSS reader, meaning that I will visit their blog and do so regularly. Promise! And I’ll comment on it too!

Now, understand that if I suddenly get inundated with hundreds of comments, I might have to revise that promise, otherwise I’ll end up doing nothing but surfing blogs and commenting all day, and my family will get annoyed, my boss will fire me, and my WIP will never get written. But for now, the promise stands.

Thank you for stopping by!



Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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4 Responses

  1. Bailey says:

    Aww shucks. 🙂 Have you ever looked at the Search Keywords and wondered, “How did they find me with that?” I have. I try to replicate their searches, and my blog does not show up. It’s tres weird.

    • cds says:

      It’s funny you should say that–I tried that just today! I noticed one particular post is getting a lot of hits, apparently from a certain keyword search (number of post hits equaled the number of times that search was used). I tried to replicate that search. I had to go through 6 pages of results in Google til I saw my post! How could it be getting so many hits? I’m confused. At least someone (or something) is visiting, I suppose!

  2. Kris Atkins says:

    I comment because I enjoy your blog! So keep posting. ^_^

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