The First of Two Announcements Today!

I’ve mentioned on here before how I like to enter the contests Literary Agent Janet Reid periodically posts on her blog. Well, before Christmas she ran a poetry contest, inviting entrants to write a poem that makes sense as a poem when read either from top-to-bottom, or from bottom-to-top. I don’t consider myself much of a poet, but it’s the sort of challenge I enjoy, so I gave it a shot. When I posted my entry, I read the other poems, and I was completely awed by the skill of their authors (check out the original contest post here, and read them for yourself in the comments), so I didn’t give myself much of a chance of even being a finalist. Yesterday morning, Janet announced the results . And out of all these awesome entries…

she picked mine!!

So, I’m kinda happy at the moment (sorry, Brits are known for understatement). Not only was my Christmas enhanced by winning Phoebe North’s Doctor Who blog drawing, but my New Year has started off with a respected literary agent singling out my work from an amazing field of others. Just when I was wondering if my writing really is good enough.

So, I’m feeling particularly blessed and encouraged this morning, and I wanted to share that with you, my blog friends.

I have another announcement–one that I originally planned to post this morning, before I found out about the contest results–but I’ll save it for this afternoon. This one involves you, and it’s fun and cool. Check back later!



Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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14 Responses

  1. Awesome!!!!! :-))))
    I just read it and it´s great! Very happy for you :-))))
    (excuse my large amount of smileys used but this post totally deserves it :-))

  2. E.Maree says:

    Glad to hear it! I saw the announcement and had a moment of ‘Wait, is that THE Colin Smith? Colin D Smith? …Of course it is! Fantastic!’

    Loved how much you did with so little words, it was a fantastic little poem. 😀

  3. MissCole says:

    Congratulations to you!

  4. 18204947645072077476 says:

    Congrats! That’s awesome! 🙂

  5. Cool poem! Congrats!

  6. JuHaygert says:

    Woot! Congrats Colin!

  7. Melanie says:

    Congrats! Now I have to go read the poem!

  8. cds says:

    Thank you everyone! 🙂

  9. Ian Smith says:

    Well done big bruv! x

  10. Kat Owens says:

    Well done! That’s really fabulous!

  11. JaimeMorrow says:

    That’s awesome, Colin! I’m on my way over to her blog to check it out now 🙂

  12. Jessica Love says:

    Wow! That’s great!

  13. 02372210336792734641 says:

    This is brilliant – we know she’s not easy to please 🙂

  14. Kris Atkins says:

    Wahoo! That must feel so good. Janet Reid is slightly terrifying, so I’m impressed you even enter those contests. So way to go!!

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