Friday Five: Top Five Singles 30 Years Ago!

It’s been a little while since I’ve done one of my Friday music nostalgia trips. Unlike before, I’m just going to pick the top five from one year, and present the music videos for each song–courtesy of YouTube. The year I picked was 1982, which I know might be before some of you were born, or too early for some of you to have been into music. But Eighties music seems to be popular now, so why not?

Here they are, then–the top five singles on the Billboard Hot 100 (i.e., in the US) for Week Ending May 29th, 1982:

5: RayParker Jr.: The Other Woman

4: Tommy Tutone: 867-5309/jenny

3: Charlene: I’ve Never Been to Me

2: Rick Springfield: Don’t Talk to Strangers

1: Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder: Ebony and Ivory


Have a great Friday!


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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4 Responses

  1. Jaime says:

    Well, the only song I know from this list is Ebony and Ivory, and now I’m going to have it stuck in my head all day. πŸ˜› It’s…not my favourite. πŸ™‚

    • cds says:

      It’s not my all-time favorite Paul McCartney song… but I’m a Beatles/McCartney fan, so I probably like it a whole lot more than you do! Sorry…! Listen to 867-5309 a few times and I’m sure you’ll be singing that in your head for the rest of the week. πŸ˜‰

  2. Daisy Carter says:

    Oh, man! I was born in 82, and I LOVE 80s music (and early 90s). Ebony and Ivory and 867-5309 will now be dueling it out in my head all day – but that’s okay! I love both of these songs!

    Great post, Colin! So fun!

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