RTW: Book of the Month for September, 2012

Is it that time again already? Wasn’t it the beginning of summer just a few weeks ago? Wow. So, here we are with YA Highway‘s monthly Road Trip Wednesday look at our favorite book from the past month. In passing, I forgot to note that last week’s RTW actually marked my Road Trip anniversary. I’ve been participating in RTW for a whole year now. That means this month’s Book of the Month marks one year since I started tracking this. Curious to know what my Book of the Month was for September, 2011? Take a look!

Back to the present. This month I have a shout-out as well as “book of the month.” And this one was a close call. You hear me? A really close call, because I liked both of these books almost equally. My shout-out book is… ACROSS THE UNIVERSE by Beth Revis. I’ve reviewed it on Goodreads (here), so I’ll just give you some quick thoughts.

What I Liked:

  • Beth’s description of the cryogenic process in chapter one, which is a touch on the horror side, definitely squirmy for the squeamish, and sure to make anyone uncomfortable. But I can’t imagine being preserved in this way would be a pleasant experience. Beth describes both Amy’s observation of the process, and how she felt as it was being done so well, it sounds real. Perhaps it is… does Beth know something we don’t??
  • There’s life as people on the ship know it, and then there’s the truth. As Elder trains under Eldest, we learn things that only he should know, and things that Eldest would rather not have to tell him. I like the way life under the delusion seems to make sense, but when we know the truth, it makes even more sense.
  • Oh, and I like the fact that even at the end you can never be sure that what you know is, in fact, the whole story–as the sneak peak at chapter one of A MILLION SUNS showed. And about that… I already decided I wanted to read A MILLION SUNS before I finished ACROSS THE UNIVERSE. When I read that first chapter preview, I really wanted to read A MILLION SUNS!

What I Didn’t Like:

  • The fact that I figured out the who and how of the murder plot fairly early into the book. But this isn’t a major quibble since it was fun seeing all the pieces fit together, and there was one aspect to the mystery I didn’t anticipate.

Overall, though, a great book!

My Book of the Month for September is…

CINDER by Marissa Meyer. I just got through reading this, so my Goodreads review is available for you to look at (here). If FIFTY SHADES OF GREY has you wondering if anything good can come out of fan fiction, then allow CINDER to set your mind at rest. While this book is not the direct product of fan fiction, Marissa cut her authorial teeth writing lots of Sailor Moon stories (the influence of which may be discernible to readers of CINDER who know Sailor Moon). And the best of all that she learned has ended up in these pages. CINDER is a wonderful re-telling of the Cinderella story, set in futuristic China. The characters pop from the pages, the dialog rings true, and even the tech stuff sounds plausible. And it’s not just the same old Cinderella story we’ve all come to know. There’s a lot more to it, and I thoroughly enjoyed the way Marissa played with the traditional story, really making it her own. I had figured out many of the big “reveals” not long after the initial clues were laid (and I suspect we’ve now already met a future Lunar Chronicle heroine…), but that didn’t at all impair my enjoyment of the story.

I hoped “The Lunar Chronicles” would be a series of stand-alone stories set in the same universe–largely because I’m getting a little weary of series books (which seems to be the norm in YA these days). And while it looks like the other three books in the series will tell the stories of different characters, it appears they’re all part of the same general story arc, and their adventures intersect, and, I daresay, will all eventually come together at the end. Even so, I will gladly pick up SCARLET–the next in the series–simply because of the quality of writing and story-telling.

Have you read either of these books? What was your book of the month for September? You can talk about it here, or blog your answer and post a link to your article on YA Highway.


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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38 Responses

  1. katyupperman says:

    I thought AtU was pretty awesome, and I thought its follow-up, AMS, was even better… Can’t wait for SHADES OF EARTH! I have CINDER sitting in my TBR pile. Now I’m even more excited about reading it!

  2. Juliana Haygert says:

    I didn’t fall in love with Across the Universe. I wanted to, but didn’t =(
    And I confess I didn’t read Cinder yet. Because I’m afraid … there’s been so much fuss about it, I’m afraid to get it with high hopes and be disappointed.
    “Iโ€™m getting a little weary of series books” << ME TOO!! I've even been thinking of writing standalones, you know …

    • cds says:

      If your issues with AtU include the sci-fi stuff, or the way the slow-burning nature of the romance, then CINDER may not be for you. These are two points about these books that are kind-of similar, and I really liked. But tastes vary. If you want a really well-written story with vivid characters, though, you should give CINDER a try. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I LOVED Cinder. Loved loved loved. One of the best books I’ve read this year. I still need to read Across the Universe. I need to go ahead and just buy it so I’ll read it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • cds says:

      Do it, Liz! As I’ve said above, AtU and CINDER are different stories, but there are sort-of common elements about them that I really liked. CINDER is definitely a strong contender for Book of the Year… but it’s going to be a tough choice given the other excellent books I’ve read this year (INSURGENT, SHATTER ME…). ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I may have seen this coming, based on your recent tweets. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I haven’t read CINDER. I’ve heard such great things, and I love your review and blurb here. I keep seeing it and thinking I just wouldn’t enjoy it. I didn’t know that Marissa Meyer started writing Sailor Moon fan-fiction (Sailor Moon is my childhood!). I may have to bite the bullet and check this one out.

    • cds says:

      Thanks, Samantha! What can I say? When I really like something, it’s hard for me not to talk about it. I’m the kind of fan every writer wants. ๐Ÿ™‚ If you really don’t like sci-fi at all you may have problems with it. But if you can, do what my daughter does whenever she’s in Barnes & Noble. She picks four or five potential purchases, then sits and reads the first chapter of each. This helps her decide which to buy. If your local bookstore has comfy chairs, grab CINDER, drop yourself into a comfy chair, and read the first chapter. If you find yourself wanting to read on, then buy it. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Or you can just take my word for it–it’s really good! ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Samantha says:

    Okay, both of these books are on my priority list and I think I’m going to have to bump them up after this post – Thanks Colin! Always trust your opinion!

  6. stephscottil says:

    I just started CINDER today on audiobook. Thanks for that juicy factoid that the author used to write fanfic. I was getting an anime vibe from the start, especially given they are in New Beijing. I’d heard so much about this but kind of forgot the premise when I picked this up from the library the other day. I only skimmed your review so no spoilers ๐Ÿ™‚

    Here’s my pick for September: http://www.agirlandherdiary.blogspot.com

    • cds says:

      I don’t think I put any spoilers in my review (I try not to, or I warn beforehand), but if you have the book already, and you’ve started listening to it, then you don’t need any further encouragement from . I hope you love it. ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. Melanie says:

    I really liked Cinder too, it was unexpected and felt completely fresh to me. I haven’t read Beth Revis yet but I’ve got her on my TBR.

    • cds says:

      Up until a few days ago, I thought ACROSS THE UNIVERSE was going to be the hands-down winner this month–that’s how much I enjoyed CINDER. It seems odd to say for a book that’s a re-write of a fairy story, but it *is* very fresh and original sounding. I’m glad you liked it too, Melanie! ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. MsFairyFreak says:

    Cinder is great. I’m glad you read it. I did get a Sailor Moon feel to it. Thanks for sharing. ๐Ÿ˜€

  9. Robin Moran says:

    So glad you enjoyed Cinder! Across the Universe sounds very fascinating. I may have to add that to the TBR pile.

  10. Jaime Morrow says:

    I’m so glad you enjoyed CINDER. I read your review of it on Goodreads and that was also very good. ๐Ÿ™‚ I think what I loved so much about CINDER was that Marissa Meyer took a fairy tale that we all know and plopped it down in the future. With a lot of retellings, authors seem to either really flesh out a story in the same setting as the original or bring it to the present. This just felt like a fresh take on a retelling. I completely agree with you about wishing that these stories were standalones in the same universe. That kind of makes me think of Tamora Pierce’s books or Kristin Cashore’s. Regardless, I can’t wait for SCARLET. ๐Ÿ˜€

    • cds says:

      Thanks, Jaime! I really like what Marissa did with this story. I started out looking for the Cinderella elements, but eventually gave up because I didn’t care anymore. She so totally made it her own, and did such a good job with it.

      Is the GRACELING series a set of standalones? I have the first one to read.

  11. Valia says:

    I ADORE both of those books!!! The worlds are so different, and yet both authors do a wonderful job of pulling you in. I like how new and unique both of the authors wrote something that could’ve been ordinary ๐Ÿ™‚ great picks!


  12. Rachael says:

    I really need to get my hands on CINDER. I keep hearing such amazing things about it and the premise sounds so fantastic. I’ve been a little on the fence about reading ACROSS THE UNIVERSE for a long time because I keep hearing conflicting things about it. Maybe it’s time to check it out anyway?

    • cds says:

      This is where it helps to get to know people who tend to like stuff you like (an advantage of Goodreads). If those people love a book, the chances are you’ll like it too. For me, it was good reviews from friends, along with descriptions of the storyline that kept intriguing me every time I read them that eventually led me to put CINDER on my TBR, and eventually to read it. So glad I did! ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Loved ACROSS THE UNIVERSE and have yet to pick up CINDER. Must do so. Must do so. Especially before SCARLET comes out ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks for the reminder, Colin, and for stopping by my blog. I appreciated it.

  14. Oooh, two GREAT choices. There was just something about Cinder, though, that made it stand out. I’m keen to see if Marissa Meyer can keep things this fresh, but I have a hunch she will.

    • cds says:

      Thanks, Mrs. S.! And you’re right about CINDER. On balance, I could have gone either way with this pick of the month, but there’s just *something* about CINDER that made it stand out a little more. I’m looking forward to SCARLET. ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. I really enjoyed Cinder, too. Like we were saying last week, I think there is something really comforting about knowing what will happen in a book.

    • cds says:

      Yes, and yet Marissa made the traditional tale her own such that you couldn’t be sure things were going to pan out the same way. Indeed… [CENSORED–SPOILER ALERT]… so you still need to read the book to find out what happens. ๐Ÿ˜€

  16. Elodie says:

    I loved both books! There were definitely a few twists in ACROSS THE UNIVERSE that I didnยดt see coming…I enjoyed it even a bit better than CINDER ๐Ÿ˜€ And Iยดm starting to wait until all books of a series are out before diving in now…But those two I couldnยดt resist ๐Ÿ˜› Great reviews, Colin!

    • cds says:

      Thanks, Elodie. I sometimes wonder if I should wait for all the books in a series to come out first. That way, I don’t have to wait a year for the next installment, and I can be sure the covers all have a uniform look to them. But it can be so hard to resist when the writing’s so good and the story’s compelling. Can I wait three years before I complete the CINDER series? I don’t know that I can… ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. I’m so excited to read both of these! I just need to get a bit more $$ in my book budget. ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Carrie says:

    Still need to give Cinder a read but I’m reading ATU right now and it’s pretty good.

  19. Emma Maree says:

    I really want to read Across the Universe. I never knew Cinder’s author came from a fanfiction writing background, that’s cool to know.

  1. January 12, 2022


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