RTW: Book of the Month for February, 2013

It’s hard to believe it’s that time again: YA Highway’s Road Trip Wednesday Book of the Month! And this month, I don’t really have one. I read some non-fiction which was good, and some fiction that was okay, but nothing that made me want to say, “This is totally AWESOME!”

There have been a couple of times in the past when the book I ended up choosing for Book of the Month was not five-star-Goodreads-review worthy, but in those cases, the books were at least very good. I can’t say that for the books I read this month. And I’m not going to choose a book simply because it was a bit more okay than the other okay books. You deserve better than that, faithful reader!

So–sorry! No book of the month for February. I haven’t read SCARLET or UNRAVEL ME yet (I’m exercising restraint and trying to get through books that I’ve had for longer first), so I have great expectations that March will be a better reading month! (Come to think of it, I haven’t read GREAT EXPECTATIONS yet…)

Hopefully you had a better time with your February reading. What was the best thing you read this past month? Comment here, or join in the Road Trip (see the YA Highway blog for details).


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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18 Responses

  1. Robin Moran says:

    Sorry it wasn’t a great reading month. Here’s to awesome books in March hopefully!

    • cds says:

      Thanks, Robin. March certainly has a lot of potential! I forgot to mention that SAFE FROM HARM, the second in Stephane Jaye Evans’s Sugar Land Mystery series, comes out on March 5th… another reason to look forward to March reading. 🙂

  2. Jaime says:

    That’s too bad that this month hasn’t been so great for reading for you, Colin. I read some really good stuff, but then there were other books that left me kind of wanting or completely irritated (which is never a good thing). Here’s hoping that March is a much better month of reading for you. I know you have some good stuff waiting! 🙂

    • cds says:

      I certainly do have some good books waiting. I might have to spread them out, otherwise I’ll have the opposite problem next month–too many to choose from! 😉

  3. Scarlet is pretty kick-ass, are you sure you don’t want to skip ahead? ( I am 200 pages in and loving it!)

    • cds says:

      I’m sorely tempted to read SCARLET next. I really enjoyed CINDER, so I have high hopes and expectations. And now you’re just tempting me all the more…! 😉

  4. Feb was a less than spectacular reading month for me too 🙁

    • cds says:

      *sigh* Oh well. It’s bound to happen sometime. The more you read, the greater the chance of reading not-so-great books as well as great ones. 🙂

  5. Rachael says:

    Hope March is a great reading month! I only managed to get to one book, but it was a fantastic one so my month was high in quality, but low in quantity.

    • cds says:

      Thanks, Rachael! I’ve had a couple of low-quantity/high-quality months too–I’m glad Feb turned out that way for you. 🙂

  6. Daisy Carter says:

    I’ve had a few months of “only okay” reading lately. Nothing bad (well, maybe one was bad), just not ah-mazing.

    Then, this month, I read three GREAT books. One, HOURGLASS by Myra McEntire, really surprised me. I didn’t realize how much I enjoyed it until I finished it. Then, I found myself thinking about it. A lot. Thank goodness the sequel’s already out. I’m trying to show restraint, too, and not buy it until I knock a few off the top of my TBR pile, but it’s so hard! I want to dive right in!

    • cds says:

      I’ve had that same experience–not knowing how much you really enjoyed a book until after you finished it and find you keep thinking about it. That didn’t happen for me this month, but I’m glad it happened to you.

      Restraint can be hard, and I might cave and read SCARLET next… I think I’ve earned it this month. 🙂

  7. Viklit says:

    I too enjoyed Scarlet and encourage you to get onto it 😉

    Also couldn’t find your John Green review on your blog? (I am not signed up to GoodReads would you believe so if it is there then that would explain why I cant find on your blog!) But would be interested to hear/read what you thought!

    • cds says:

      I think SCARLET might be next on my list, Vikki! 🙂

      As for the John Green review, it was part of a RTW Book of the Month from early last year (I didn’t pick the John Green book, but I wanted to give it special mention)… here you go: Book of the Month for March, 2012. As you can see, my thoughts generated some great discussion. I’m so pleased to have such patient and thoughtful people reading my blog! 😀

  8. Valia says:

    Good luck on having a better reading month!!! I’m probably going to have to take a bit of a break on the reading department actually!!! 😀

    • cds says:

      Thanks, Valia! Some people say they cut back on their reading when they are writing because they find what their reading interferes with their work. I don’t know what your reasons are, but I find my reading tends to drop off when I’m busy writing/editing because I don’t have time to read as much! 🙂

  9. Crystal says:

    I was almost in the same boat as you. I didn’t reach much in February, though, so that may have been my problem, but I read a few books and considered not posting anything because they weren’t that great. But I finished Nobody But Us by Kristin Halbrook last night and really appreciated having read it because I loved the distinct voices that the two characters had.

    • cds says:

      Wow–close call, Crystal! I considered reading SCARLET, or another of the books on my TBR I was fairly certain would be good, just to be sure I had something for Book of the Month. But that seemed a little disingenuous. BotM should reflect my month’s reading, not dictate it! So I let my non-event book month stand. 🙂

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