Sunday Devotional: Matthew 5:13

You yourselves are the salt of the earth; but if the salt becomes tasteless, in what way will it be made salty? It is valid for nothing anymore except having been cast out to be trampled on by men.

In the ancient world, salt had a variety of uses. We are used to using salt to season food, but it was also used to preserve food. It was also a purifier and a fertilizer. In other words, salt was very useful to people who didn’t have refrigerators, and other modern conveniences. Yet if the salt were to ever lose its “saltiness”–that is, if it were to somehow no longer be salt, without that essential element that gives it the properties that make it so useful, how will it regain its purpose? If salt loses its essential saltiness, it’s no longer salt. It becomes useless, and fit for nothing more than being thrown away, trampled into the ground with the rest of the dirt.

Jesus is addressing his disciples, having just delivered the Beatitudes. His point in this and the following picture of his disciples as a “light on a hill” is to underscore their value within the world. As his followers, the message they carry–the gospel message of repentance and forgiveness of sin–is the very thing the world needs to hear. But if they refuse to proclaim that message, or if that message is watered down, compromised, mixed with other ideas, then it’s no longer of any use. A watered-down gospel is no gospel at all. And if we have no gospel to proclaim, then we have nothing to offer.

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to stand firm for Christ as our society becomes more and more secularized. People don’t want to be called to repentance, reminded of their sin, and told of the way to be forgiven and made right with their Creator through faith in Christ. It’s easy to try to make this message more palatable. Perhaps pass over the call to repentance, and maybe go easy on sin. Just tell people to “ask Jesus into their heart” and be good–that’s much nicer, less offensive, and more likely to get you an audience.

But that’s not the gospel. If that’s the gospel we proclaim, then we aren’t helping anyone. Without the recognition of sin and repentance, there can be no salvation. What this false gospel offers is nothing more than a comfortable path to a godless eternity.

The good news is that God is the one who opens ears, opens minds, and opens hearts. We just need to be faithful to proclaim the truth–even if it offends–and let God take care of saving souls. May we rest in this knowledge, and boldly fulfill our Lord’s commission to spread the good news of salvation in his name.

Have a great week!



Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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