X Marks the Spot

I couldn’t think of a good “X” post. But I had to come up with something, so what would any writer do in this situation? Write a story of course! I know it’s not Monday, so consider this a bonus piece of 500-or-fewer-words flash fiction called…


My heart near about leaped from my chest when I saw it. I collapsed my telescope and called to the First Mate.

“Billy,” I said, “straight ahead. Keep her straight!”

“Aye sir,” he called back.

The Mutiny may be a rickety pile of wood, but she’s done me proud these past five years since I’ve been captain. She fairly clips along when the wind’s billowing in the sails, and she was doing a fine job cutting through the water as we approached the island. I pulled out the map we’d been following for six months now. Everything looked just as it said.

We hit land maybe thirty minutes later, and all but a few watchmen disembarked, with five of the burliest men carrying shovels.

“Where now, sir?” said Billy. I consulted the map, and noted the landmarks. Five trees in a circle, and a big cross in the middle: “X” marks the spot.

“Follow me,” I said, and led the march across the sand into the woods. It was maybe only ten minutes of walking before we were standing in the middle of five big palm trees. I checked the map one last time, then announced to the assembled crew:

“Right here, lads! Right under my feet!”

They let up a loud cheer, then I moved so the five diggers could begin their work.

I imagined they were as excited as I was, because they dug at a furious pace, making quick work of the sandy soil. I stood back and watched as they hauled dirt, their bald heads glistening under the tropical sun. I was fair sweaty myself, but I, and the others, took shade beneath the long branches of the trees.

The men dug for what seemed a long time. I suppose time goes slow when you’re anticipating a big reward. The ground was well over their heads when one gave up a shout. I ran to the edge, my heart pounding.

“Is it there?” I said.

“I think so, captain sir,” said the man who’d shouted.

“Let me see!”

We helped the five men out of the hole, and I was about to lower myself down when I felt a thump on my back and I fell. I hit the bottom, landing awkward on my foot. I couldn’t stand, but the thrill overcame thoughts of pain and confusion. I looked to my feet… and yelled out in fright.

“There’s bones down here!” I said. “And a skull! What kind of treasure is this?”

“Treasure’s all ours captain,” said Billy, looking down the hole. “And she ain’t called The Mutiny for no reason!” He smiled and nodded to the men hidden from my view.

Dirt started to rain down on my head.

“What’s going on?” I shouted. “Get me out now!”

“I think not,” said Billy. “We’re just going to let you rest there with the last captain of The Mutiny. Maybe we’ll find a decent one yet.”

My last cries were muffled…


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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7 Responses

  1. Mama J says:

    X is a difficult letter in this challenge so great idea to write a short story with X marks the spot.

    • cds says:

      Being a writer can really help at times like this: can’t think of something for a letter, make something up! It’s by no means a literary masterpiece, but I think it’s reasonably entertaining, and it does the job. 🙂

  2. Miss Jersey says:

    Ahh… so there wasn’t any treasure after all! I do like pirate stories. And treasure maps, if they actually lead to treasure. I used to make them when I was younger, staining the paper with tea-bags so it looked old.
    I’ve been thinking I might have to dust off my pen and paper and write a story for the Y post, I’m all out of ideas. This challenge has been harder than I thought it would be!

    • cds says:

      No, there wasn’t! In fact, if I had allowed myself another hundred words, I might have done a little more foreshadowing. Perhaps had the captain make some comments that indicate how little he thinks of the crew, and even suggest his mistreatment of them. That would help strengthen the ending, I think. But I gave myself a 500 word limit, so there it is. 🙂

      Stories are a great for the difficult letters. 🙂

      I seem to recall doing the tea bag thing to artificially age paper before. It was a long time ago, though…

  3. Samantha says:

    Oooh so dark! Pirates ay, they’re tricksy ones!

    • cds says:

      They are! 😀 This was fun–I’ve not tried a pirate story before… but with the letter “X” it was sort of irresistible. 🙂

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