Walk the Plank: Adventures in Space

Walk the Plank” is a YA Buccaneers meme, where you challenge your writing skills by composing a 200-word piece of fiction based on the YA Buccaneers’ theme of the month. This month, the theme is “Adventures in Space,” and everyone participating has the opportunity to earn points toward the monthly giveaway. This month’s giveaway prize is particularly special. Buccaneer Rachel Searles’ debut novel THE LOST PLANET comes out TOMORROW (January 28th), and the Buccaneers are giving away five signed copies to those picked from the Rafflecopter widget.

I’m squeezing my entry in at the last minute, but I had to participate. I love flash fiction challenges… and I wouldn’t mind reading Rachel’s book. Here are the rules for this month’s “Walk the Plank”:

  • Write a 200-word piece of flash fiction
  • Use the theme “Adventures in Space”
  • Bonus points for starting with “I never thought I’d see…”
  • Bonus points for ending with “Hopefully it’s not too late.”
  • Bonus points for using EXACTLY 200 words

And here’s my attempt:

I never thought I’d see a Ford Starburst beyond Earth’s gravitational pull, but there it was, coming toward me. The engine must have been screaming in agony. I was about to accelerate when the com buzzed.

“John! How’s it hanging?” Simon Statler’s sunny voice crackled through.

“Everything’s hanging where it should, Simon,” I said. “Whatcha doing here? Overheating?”

“No, my amigo,” he said. “This old crate’s stronger than she looks.” I smiled through his bravado. “Where you going? A party?”

“Umm—I was just going home. Night in, you know.”

“Taking the long way a bit aren’t you?” Simon said. “You look like you’re headed for Moon Base 12, the hoppingest spot in the Solar System.”

“Not tonight, Si—too tired. How’s Lena Carson? Don’t you have a hot date?”

“No,” Simon sighed. “Something about a headache.” I could hear a beep through the interference. “Gotta go, John—um, something came up.”

The intercom went dead, and I could see Simon’s Ford turn back, a faint orange glow around the engine. I smiled and checked the time. Agent Lena Carson of undercover ops was expecting me at Moon Base 12. Drug bust. She needed backup. Hopefully it’s not too late…

It might be a bit late to join the challenge this month, but watch out for another “Walk the Plank” challenge in February.


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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4 Responses

  1. Robin Moran says:

    I do love your little twists at the end. The stories always seem to be going one way and you completely change it all around in just one sentence!

    • cds says:

      Thanks, Robin! 🙂 That’s the fun (and challenge) of flash fiction: telling a story, making it interesting, and trying to suggest a much bigger story. It’s very good writing practice, and I’m sure my novel writing has benefited from it.

  1. January 29, 2014

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  2. February 23, 2022

    […] Monday evening I posted my entry in their Walk the Plank flash fiction challenge (you can read it HERE). After spending so long writing a teenage alien’s voice, it’s kind of nice to be able […]

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