Snow Pictures!

Snow is an uncommon occurrence in Eastern North Carolina, especially when it’s more than a few inches. Overnight Tuesday into Wednesday, the elements aligned (a system from the Gulf of Mexico, moisture from the Atlantic, and frigid cold air from the North) to dump somewhere in the neighborhood of 4-6 inches of the white stuff on our side of the State. To celebrate the occasion, FirstBorn took her swanky new camera out and snapped lots of pictures. I thought you might like to see some of them. So here, for your enjoyment, are some pictures of snow in the countryside (click on each picture to make it bigger):

Jan_2014_Snow_1 Jan_2014_Snow_2
Jan_2014_Snow_3 Jan_2014_Snow_4
Jan_2014_Snow_5 Jan_2014_Snow_6

[Note: These pictures belong to FirstBorn–please respect the appropriate copyright rules. Thanks!]


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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10 Responses

  1. Miss Cole says:

    Pretty! North Carolina has such beautiful sunsets.

    Your firstborn is one talented photographer πŸ˜€

    • cds says:

      I’ll pass the compliment on to FirstBorn–I’m sure she’ll appreciate it. πŸ™‚ And yes, there is much beauty in this corner of the world, the sunsets being one aspect.

  2. Beautiful. πŸ™‚ I have cousins down there, and it has been fun to hear about how strange this is for them. Also funny when they had snow days for their kids, etc. in conditions that never would have merited that up here!

    • cds says:

      I completely understand why they have snow days for just a few inches of snow. Given how little experience we have with this stuff, and the fact that we only have a limited number of vehicles equipped to handle it, it’s safer for everyone to just stay home and let it pass.

      Of course, as homeschoolers, our kids don’t get off so easily… πŸ˜‰

  3. Pretty! I’ve got family in Florida and they posted pics of icicles. Crazy weather times we’re having.

  4. Rachael says:

    Beautiful pictures! Looks pretty normal to me as a Northerner, but I know it’s rare for down there. We always find it funny up here how down south reacts to the snow, but I understand why even a bit of snow for us is a big deal.

    • cds says:

      FirstBorn thanks you, Rachael! πŸ™‚ When you look at those pictures, you have to remember, this is Eastern NC you’re looking at, where our summers are in the 80s and 90s (sometimes triple digits), and our winters usually don’t stray too far below freezing (certainly not for an extended period of time), and can get up into the 50s and 60s.

  5. Stephanie Scott says:

    I love snow pictures when I am inside and warm πŸ™‚

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