What’s Up Wednesday

It’s that time of the week again–yes… Wednesday. And I’ll tell you one thing that isn’t happening this week: snow! We had some warm weather over the weekend that just about cleared away all the white stuff. There are a few snow piles dotted around to remind us of what we had. But the weather’s returning to some semblance of Eastern North Carolina normalcy. Which means the high for today is supposed to by 71 F, and the low tonight 35 F. The word “unseasonal” has no meaning here. So… what’s up this week? Not much, really…

What I’m Reading

Still reading THE STAND, and anxious to dive into CRESS and IGNITE ME, which came out yesterday. Due to me forgetting that my card number changed between pre-ordering the books and Amazon trying to charge me for them before sending them, I won’t be getting my copies until tomorrow. However, that’s just as well–I need to finish THE STAND first. And let me just say, Stephen King has absolutely nailed that all-important writer skill of introducing interesting characters and killing them off quickly. Though some good ones look set to survive… we’ll see.

What I’m Writing

I’ve joined in the Writer Recharge challenge hosted by Katy Upperman, Alison Miller, Liz Parker, Elodie Nowodazkij, and Sara Biren. This challenge is a way to help writers get the year off to a good start by encouraging one another to set some goals for the month and actually accomplish them. I posted my goals yesterday. They’re not too ambitious, but, as Sara reminded me, February is a short month, so that’s just as well. I want to finish up a short story I’ve started, and I need to get my novel ready for Beta Readers (capitalized, because they’re special). My First Readers have done their reading and will soon be giving their feedback to me. By the end of the month, I hope to have willing volunteers (please email me if you haven’t already to volunteer to be a Beta Reader), and a manuscript to send them.

What Inspires Me Right Now

The Writer Recharge challenge. I’ve put my name on the linky list, and I’ve announced my goals. I’d feel a dork if I didn’t do anything toward accomplishing those goals, which is really the point of the challenge. And I hope to be encouraged and be an encouragement to others throughout the month. So that’s inspired me to dig in and get stuff done.

What Else I’ve Been Up To

The 2014 Blogging from A to Z Challenge is just around the corner, and I’ve signed up for my third year. This is a fun challenge where participants blog daily (except Sundays) for the month of April. The first blog article must have a topic starting with the letter “A,” and then each article follows the alphabet, finishing with the letter “Z” on the last day of the month. In the past, I’ve posted on random topics, usually with at least one piece of flash fiction each week. This year, I’m really putting the pressure on, because I’m planning to post a 100-word piece of flash fiction EVERY DAY. It’ll be fun, I’m sure. There are currently over 530 people signed up. This number will undoubtedly double by the end of March. If you feel like a blogging challenge, join in!

What have you been up to? If you want to join in the What’s Up Wednesday fun, the details and linky list can be found at the blogs of co-creators Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk.


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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38 Responses

  1. Miss Cole says:

    You are going to be one busy blogger, Colin! Enjoy it 😀 Best of luck with your Recharge goals ^_^ Have a great week!

    • cds says:

      Yes–when I came up with that idea for this year’s AtoZ, I laughed to myself. But of all the blogs I’ve written for the challenge in the past, the short stories and flash fiction were always my favorite. Hopefully, if I get a head-start on writing them, I should be okay. 🙂

      Thanks, Cole!

  2. Elodie says:

    Wow, the A to Z blogging challenge always impresses me! Good luck with your goals!

    • cds says:

      One of the best things about the A to Z challenge is that there are normally a HUGE number of participants, so this is a great way to get to know other bloggers that wouldn’t normally be on your radar. It’s a lot of work, but I think it’s worth it.

      Thank you, Elodie! 😀

  3. The A-Z challenges are always fun to read – looking forward to yours. Enjoy the nice weather and good luck with your writing goals this week!

    • cds says:

      Thanks, Jennifer! It’s fun to see how other people take on the A-Z challenge. There are some very creative bloggers out there. 🙂

  4. Robin Moran says:

    Lots of productiveness ahead! Sounds like a fun twist for the A_Z challenge! Can’t wait to read them!

  5. Writing challenges are always good. I joined a group on facebook and we’re doing a NaNo in February!
    Wow, I admired those of you who participate of the A to Z challenge. I can’t imagine myself doing it lol

    Can we trade temperatures? Here is too damn cold and I’m tired of snow! 😉

    • cds says:

      NaNo in Feb? Wow! I think the Writer Recharge is about as much as I can handle this month! All the best to you with that, Juliana.

      The cold and the snow does get a bit much after a while–and down here that’s after about three days! I can’t imagine what it’s like for you, even only a little ways up the coast. Hang in there, Spring’s just around the corner. 🙂

  6. Writer Recharge sounds like just the ticket to stay motivated! Good luck with your goals!

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. I need to do the Writer Recharge thing for sure. And the A-Z challenge. Gah…I don’t know. Such a huge commitment! It’s not a firm no…

    • cds says:

      The A-Z challenge sounds daunting, but if you plan ahead (and even write and schedule your posts well in advance), it’s quite fun and not as ominous as it seems. Also, you don’t have to write huge essays. 100 words is sufficient for each post. Worth considering, I think. 🙂

  8. Rachael says:

    Good luck with Writer Recharge! It sounds very motivational.

    Glad the weather is back to being normal-ish. I keep staring at “71F” like I can’t remember what it means. We had a couple days of 20s (little sad how much I loved that) and now we’re back down to single digits. I am more than ready for spring.

    • cds says:

      The joke around here is, “Welcome to Eastern North Carolina. If you don’t like the weather, just wait 10 mins.” 🙂 I remember when the temperatures finally rose above freezing last week, I was thinking how warm it was getting. That’s just crazy! Sorry you’re still having to suffer with the single digits up there, Rachael. May Spring come swiftly for you. 🙂

  9. Stephanie Scott says:

    It will be my 3rd year with the A to Z challenge too! I love your idea to do flash fiction every day. Do you think you’ll write them or some ahead of time? I tend to choose a theme and pre-write about half the posts.

    • cds says:

      Yay, Stephanie!! Glad to know you’ll be joining me for the A-Z challenge! I usually try to write some posts ahead of time, but I at least try to plan ahead what each post is going to be. This year, I want to take time over the next couple of months to write as many of them as possible. In fact, I’ve already written and scheduled the first! 🙂

  10. I think I’ll try out the A-Z challenge this year for the first time.
    Also, Cress- this is the second time it’s been mentioned. I feel like I know what this book is and yet I can’t remember… help a girl out?

    • cds says:

      Cool, Melanie! I look forward to what you come up with for the A-Z challenge. 🙂

      CRESS is part three of Melissa Meyer’s “Lunar Chronicles” series that started with CINDER. Each book in the four-part series is a retelling (of sorts) of a classic fairy tale. CINDER is based on Cinderella, SCARLET is based on Little Red Riding Hood. CRESS is based on RAPUNZEL, and the final book in the series, WINTER, due next year sometime, is based on SNOW WHITE.

      The series is one of the best I’ve read since Harry Potter. Wonderfully conceived, engaging characters, superbly written… I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t like it. 🙂

  11. Erin L. Funk says:

    I’m looking forward to devouring CRESS too. Now I just need to remember to order it already! You’re very ambitious taking on a challenge to write flash fiction every day for a month! I could never do that. Good luck with all your writing this week!

    • cds says:

      Thanks, Erin! I think I’ve done enough Janet Reid 100-word story writing challenges that I think I’m up for it. If I get enough written between now and April, I should be able to do it. 🙂

  12. Kate Scott says:

    I’ve done the A-Z blogger challenge a few times. It’s super fun, but I don’t think I’m going to do it this year. Mainly because if I do it again, I’m afraid my posts will be exactly the same as they were the last time I participated.

    I hope you have a great week!

  13. Angel Leigh says:

    I’m also going to sign up to the writing recharge and I’m looking at the A-Z blogger challenge. It looks like heaps of fun, which is exactly what i need.

    • cds says:

      Cool, Angel! It’ll be great to have you on board and along for the ride on both the Recharge and the A-Z Challenge. The A-Z is as hard as you want to make it, so there’s plenty of scope for fun. And you’ll get to meet a whole bunch of new bloggers. 🙂

  14. I’m all signed up for the A-Z Challenge, it’s my third year as well. I love it! I can’t wait to start writing my posts 🙂

  15. I can’t wait to read Cress, and I really need to read the Shatter Me series at some point! Best of luck with your goals!

    • cds says:

      Tahereh Mafi’s writing is sooo good. It’s a perfect blending of prose and poetry. I’ve enjoyed the story so far, and Tahereh’s style makes it a real pleasure to read. I think you’ll enjoy SHATTER ME. 🙂

      Thanks, Emma!

  16. Well, I’m am SUPER impressed about your blogging and flash fiction-writing goals for the Spring. Just. Wow. That’s awesome, Colin! I’ll be cheering you on. 🙂 I’m also doing the Writer Recharge challenge. It’s a good thing I’m reading about awesome peeps like you who are participating – since I’ve done ZERO writing since it started. Oops. 🙂 Now I feel like I need to get on it!

    Have a great week!

    • cds says:

      Thanks, Bridgid–you’re such an awesome cheerleader. 🙂 If I can meet those goals, I’ll be very happy. Especially getting this novel to Beta Readers. That’ll be huge.

      Have a wonderful week, too. 🙂

  17. The Stand is one of my all-time favorite books. It was the first Stephen King book I ever read and I was floored with his character development and compelling plot.

    Will definitely look forward to hearing more about your #WriterRecharge updates. I’m cheering for ya 🙂

    • cds says:

      Thank you, Mike. I find King’s stories are not always the nicest to read, but he has a way with description and dialog that draws you in. They may not get 5-star reviews from me, but I learn a lot.

      All the best to you with WriterRecharge, too! 🙂

  18. Jaime Morrow says:

    Finally getting around to commenting after being sick for two straight days. Bleh!
    Ah yes, Blogging From A to Z. I’d love to take part again, but I think I need to focus my time on actually getting some writing done. It’s been brutal trying to get back into it again. I’ve enjoyed A to Z when I’ve done it in the past, though.

    I loved THE STAND so much. Aside from ON WRITING, it’s the only Stephen King book I’ve read. I’m still blown away by how awesome his descriptions were. So gross and so spot on. I feel like I might need to reread this one sometime in the near future. Have a great week writing- and otherwise, Colin!

    • cds says:

      Awww… sorry you’ve been sick, Jaime. I hope you’re fully recovered. And I completely understand your desire to concentrate on getting back into novel-writing. Flash fiction helps me keep the cogs greased, so this year’s A-Z will be useful for me.

      I’m enjoying THE STAND as much as one can enjoy a story where everyone’s dying and the world is turning apocalyptic. It may be long, and CRESS is calling to me, but it’s engaging enough that I’ll stick with it to the end. 🙂

      Have a great week yourself! 😀

  19. Ron Smith says:

    I’ve always wanted to read the Stand but never have. I feel I know the story somewhat because it’s kind of ingrained in popular culture. I have a vague memory of a miniseries in the early ’90s?

    I think it’s on my shelf. Your post is a good reminder to pick it up.

    Best of luck with the A-Z. That is daunting!

    • cds says:

      There was a mini-series made of THE STAND in the 90s–I didn’t see it, but I’m aware of it. There have been a couple of aborted attempts at a movie, too. It’s considered one of King’s best by his fans, so that alone makes it worth reading.

      Thanks, Ron! 🙂

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