My First Flash! Friday Story


OK, I know it’s Monday… let me explain. There’s this blog called Flash! Friday that has been around for a while, but I only just recently stumbled upon it. Some of you may already know of it. For those that don’t, this site is all about flash fiction. Every Friday they post a prompt and challenge readers to write a piece of flash fiction inspired by the prompt (with an additional “Dragon’s Bidding” challenge). The word limit is 150 (with an additional 10 words permitted if necessary). Participants post their stories in the comments on Friday, people comment over the weekend, and then a winner is announced on Monday. Now, as with all such contests, I put my best foot forward but I don’t enter to win–I relish the challenge. So as of writing, I have no idea how well I did, but I was quite pleased with my entry, so I thought I would share it with you, my blog readers.

Without any further ado, therefore, here is my first, untitled, entry for Flash! Friday. The prompt was the following picture:

And the “Dragon’s Bidding” was to include a monk.

I wrote:

“Are you sure about this?” said Kate, gripping Luther’s hand. “What about the radiation?”

“That sign’s just to keep people out.”

“How do you know?”

Luther shifted his feet and let his gaze wander to the sun-crusted desert horizon.


“The Monk,” he said with a sigh.

“You mean, I blew off the movies with Becka to follow some wack-job blogger’s theory?” Kate threw his hand and turned to leave.

“No, it’s for real. I’ll show you!”

“You go on,” she said. “I’ll wait in the car.”

Luther watched her stomp to his Dad’s red pickup.

The idea of aliens hiding in an old wooden shack sounded stupid. But The Monk used to live in the monastery across the valley. He saw things.

Luther heard the sound of the car radio blaring and sighed. Only one way to settle this. He opened the shack door.

Kate never saw the white flash. Never heard the scream. Never saw Luther again.


Go HERE to see the original Flash! Friday entry page. And check out Flash! Friday this coming Friday if you’d like to give it a try!


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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2 Responses

  1. Ooooo! That has an ending that sent shivers down my spine.

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