New and Upcoming Books!

This is a quick post to draw your attention to some novels that have just come out, and one that’s due out in a few months. I’m highlighting these because they are all part of series that I’m enjoying right now. So if you don’t have these on your TBR list, add them!

THE STOLEN MOON by Rachel Searles

This is the second in Rachel Searles’ THE LOST PLANET series, and it released just yesterday. I won an ARC of it last year and posted a review HERE. The series is written for Middle Graders, but it’s a lot of fun for all ages. And I really really like the cover artwork. As you can tell from the title, it’s Sci-Fi, but it’s Middle Grade Sci-Fi which means it’s not full of heavy science. It’s an adventure in space with space craft, monsters, good guys, and bad guys. Chase, the main character, can’t remember much of his past, and aside from all the drama of the story, he’s recently met his little sister and is trying to get to know her. To his frustration, she knows things about his past–things he used to like, things their family did together–that he doesn’t remember. As you might expect, that becomes a bit of a sore point between them. Especially since Chase really wants to find out what happened to their parents, and why he was separated from his family.

FAIREST by Marissa Meyer

Also just released yesterday was this much-anticipated prequel to Marissa Meyer’s “Lunar Chronicles” series. Those who have read CINDER, SCARLET, and CRESS know well the evil Queen Levana, the “glamour” ability she uses to manipulate people, and her plans for taking over Earth. But what’s her story? Was Levana always this way, or is there a very different tale to be told about her? I have this book, but I haven’t read it yet. Although it’s a prequel and, I presume, not significant to the main plot of the Chronicles, I’m looking forward to reading the story. Marissa’s a great storyteller, especially the way she effortlessly blends familiar fairy tale with original characters and plots. The series makes for enjoyable, page-turning reading, so if nothing else, I expect that much of FAIREST. And with the final book in the series, WINTER, not due out until the Fall, this will help keep series fans going until then. FAIREST, as with the other books in the “Lunar Chronicles,” is marketed to YA, but if it’s anything like the others in the series it will have broad appeal. I don’t recall any bad language or sex. There’s some violence, but nothing that most upper Middle Graders couldn’t handle (IMO).


This novel, the fifth in Gary’s “Athenian Mysteries” series featuring Ancient Greek sleuth Nicolaos, and his wife, Diotima, is due out in May. I’ve raved about this series a number of times, so I was excited to learn the next book would be available soon (so excited, I pre-ordered it already!). For those who aren’t familiar with these books, they are set in Greece around the mid-400s BC, the days of Pericles, Callias, and Pindar. Nicolaos has been hired by Pericles to investigate mysterious deaths, which so far have brought him into the murky world of Athenian politics, into conflict with Persians, snooping out possible foul play at the Olympics, and investigating the sudden return of the remains of Athens’ most infamous tyrant. In DEATH EX MACHINA, Nicolaos and Diotima are looking for ghosts at the Great Dionysia, and trying to rid the theater of them before the festival begins. The situation is complicated when one of the festival’s actors is found hanging from the machine used to make those playing the gods fly.  The series is intended for an adult audience. There’s not much by way of bad language, but there are a number of sexual situations and innuendo, though nothing very explicit. One of the things that really impresses me is Gary’s deep knowledge of Ancient Greek history, and the way he effortlessly blends that knowledge into the stories, giving life to ancient texts and dusty textbooks. I wish these books had been around when I was studying A’ Level Ancient History at school!

What books are you looking forward to this year? Do you have any 2015 book recommendations?


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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3 Responses

  1. So many books, so little time! I recently read and loved THE NIGHTINGALE by Kristin Hannah (lucky enough to get my hands on an ARC) and THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN by Paula Hawkins – a total mind trip! I’m really looking forward to THE MAGICIAN’S LIE by Greer MacAllister.

  1. January 12, 2022


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