Flash Fiction Friday

It’s Friday, blog readers, and time for another piece of flash fiction! Today’s words from the Random Word Generator are:

  • Duct tape
  • Bus stop
  • Bra
  • Pigeon
  • Salt

I could protest that “duct tape” and “bus stop” are both two words each, and re-run the generator. But I’m going to overlook that and roll with the challenge. And to make it even more interesting, I’m giving myself only 100 words:

Rosie checked her watch. She’d been at the bus stop for ten minutes. She pulled her shirt over her bra strap, fussed with her hair, shifted her weight, watched pigeons fight over a piece of duct tape.

Something’s happened. He didn’t get on the bus. The bus was in an accident.

She tasted salt on her lip. Her heart was pounding, then it leapt as a bus rounded the corner and pulled up to the stop. She watched people disembark.



Tyler squeezed her legs. Rosie wrapped her arms around his head.

“How was your first day at school?”

Have a great weekend!


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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4 Responses

  1. Awwwwww. You had tension, but it turned sweet.

  2. Anita Joy Blythe says:

    So it’s getting late here in Oz. Puzzling over why it would be noticed that the pigeons flew over duct tape I reread. Aaaah. Makes a lot more sense now, lol. Yes, the first time I read it I misread ‘fight’ for ‘flight’.

    I agree with Patricia, tension than sweet (and in only 100 words). Kudos to you 🙂

    And in a belated response (I can’t find it now so can’t remember if I did respond or not), I answer to any of Anita, Anita Joy or AJ. I get called all of the above. Nice to know there are others who share our wonderful middle name (and get to be AJs).

    • cds says:

      LOL! As I said, this was a tough set of words, so I might have gone with pigeons flying over duct tape and just said it was some deep metaphor. It makes a change for me to write something sweet. Most of my flash stories seem to be dark or tragic.

      Thanks for stopping by Anita! 🙂

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