I’m Carrying

IThis is my fifth April A-to-Z Challenge. The past couple of years, I’ve written 100-word flash fiction each day. This year I’m doing the same, only with a twist: each day’s story will be inspired by the title of a Paul McCartney song. So let’s continue the fun with…


I told Isaac to sit in the chair opposite me.

“What’s this about?” he said, his eyes doing their nervous darting from side to side thing.

“I have something for you,” I said, “but before I give it to you, you need to promise me something.”

“What?” he frowned.

“That you’ll guard it with your life.”


“Promise me you’ll treasure it as your most prized possession.”

“I don’t understand. Okay. Sure. Now what–?”

Before he could say another word, I handed him the envelope. He opened it and took out the ultrasound picture.

We laughed, hugged, cried.

Check back tomorrow for “J”…

“I’m Carrying” is another track from Wings’s 1978 album “London Town.”


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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21 Responses

  1. tcausten says:

    What a great little story. I am glad I saw you on the A-Z challenge list

  2. A happy little story. Adding a life to make up for all those fatalities in some of the others? You made me smile on a Monday where I’m encubed at my Day Job

    • cds says:

      I know, I know, I must be slipping. I could have had her carrying an AK-47 or some kind of deadly disease. Whatever, it’s worth that Monday morning smile. 🙂

  3. Awww, you went sweet with this one.

    ~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  4. Me says:

    It’s a really sweet story; it made me smile. 🙂

  5. Aw, ya old softie! I gotta admit, though, I was completely surprised. Banking on something much more hideous. I thought it was going to be telling for the giver’s demise and it was going to be a photo of them from their current day or younger days before they met their demise. But no! It’s a happy ending. Nice work! Way to pull off a twist.

    • cds says:

      Oh, there are so many ways I could have taken this to a dark place. But clearly I’m still compensating for last week. 🙂 Thanks, John. I’m glad you liked it.

  6. julieweathers2014 says:

    Oh, Colin. That is so sweet. I think that’s your best story ever. Ever. I love it.

  7. Sue Ranscht says:

    I’m glad I read I’m Carrying first, then A-H. If all we see is darkness, soon it looks like that’s all there is. I want no limits. An occasional violent shock can be powerful, but I hope to see a wide spectrum of emotions during the rest of the challenge. 🙂

  8. Awww! You softie you 🙂

  1. April 17, 2016

    […] I’m Carrying Junk Keep Undercover Live and Let Die My Brave Face No Words […]

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