Venus and Mars

VThis is my fifth April A-to-Z Challenge. The past couple of years, I’ve written 100-word flash fiction each day. This year I’m doing the same, only with a twist: each day’s story will be inspired by the title of a Paul McCartney song. So let’s continue the fun with…


José looked back at Sonia. Her fists were balled, her breathing heavy, her face noticeably flushed. The boys walked on ahead of her.

“What’s the deal, Marco?” he said, glancing again to make sure Sonia was out of listening range.

His friend shrugged his shoulders. “She’s a fiery one, you know,” he said, half smiling.

“You crazy, man.” José shook his head.

“I know. So, I asked her to marry me.”

José stared at his friend. “Serious?”

“She said yes.”

“Then why–?”

“I forgot the ring… kind of.” Marco looked back at Sonia. “She’s so beautiful when she’s mad.”

Check back tomorrow for “W”…

“Venus and Mars” is the title track of the 1975 Wings album. The song was also released as a single, along with the song “Rock Show,” in both the UK and the US.


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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19 Responses

  1. seena2020 says:

    That was nice. Perfect example of Venus and Mars. And what a creative theme!
    #AtoZChallenge – V is for Videos

  2. I love the song. Fun story too. Nice to have a bit of happiness at the end of the alphabet. I will be limping across the finish line for this thing. Nice job, Colin. Way to stick to it.

  3. Celia Reaves says:

    Oh, dear. How did he “sort of” forget the ring? Now I’m obsessing. WHERE’S THE RING, MARCO?

    You grabbed my attention, Colin. Well done.

    • cds says:

      lol! Thanks, Celia. Hmm… maybe Marco deliberately forgot the ring? After all, “She’s so beautiful when she’s mad.” 🙂

      • Celia Reaves says:

        Yes, that must be it. But if he deliberately makes her angry because he enjoys her reaction, I predict a short, if fiery, relationship!

        • cds says:

          Oh, I don’t know. Stranger relationships have worked. No-one’s dead in this story, so let’s keep a positive outlook. 😉

  4. Me says:

    That’s sweet 🙂 It’s quite a change from yesterday.

  5. Sounds like he’s purposely playing with fire.

  6. I don’t think everybody lives. After she offs Marco for intentionally forgetting the ring like the cheapskate that he is, she tries to lure Jose into his place but he’s already dialed two-thirds of 9-1-1 before she can say self-defense.

    Nice job, Colin, as always, but you gave yourself a tough act to follow after yesterday’s U entry.

    • cds says:

      Well, this could have been a lot darker. The song title brought to mind that famous psychology book from the 90s, MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS. I’ve never read the book, but I thought of the fiery, war-like man, and the peaceful, non-aggressive woman, maybe an abusive relationship kind of thing. But that would be dark, and might touch some raw nerves with people. Then I thought, what if the *woman* was from Mars, and the *man* from Venus? For some reason, the story suddenly went from a dark place to a more comedic place. And thus this story was born.

      But yes, I agree. Yesterday’s was a tough act to follow. Thanks, John! 🙂

  7. julieweathers2014 says:

    I love this and I’m glad no one died. Hoo ray! I’ve enjoyed these stories so much and I’ grow more impressed with you all the time. Good job.

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