Some Changes to the Blog

As you might have noticed, I’ve made some changes to the blog. There’s a new banner, and I’ve moved the tabs around. Why?

For too long I’ve resisted promoting myself as a writer, despite the fact that’s what I do most of the time I’m not doing something else. Whether it’s stories, blog articles, or notes for my Sunday School class, I’m usually tapping away at the keyboard, or jotting things down on paper. So why deny the obvious?

Perhaps a good way to describe the point I have come to is by adapting a popular meme. I’m sure you’ve all seen the “Distracted Boyfriend” picture, if you’ve spent any time on social media. Here’s my take:

Get the idea? I can be comfortable, give in to my doubts, and put off promoting my writing and trying to establish myself as a writer in any professional capacity… but that’s hardly living. Sure, it may not work. It’s very possible no-one will want to read anything I have to say, or follow my social media accounts, or take me seriously at all as an author. But the only way I’ll know for certain is to try. And the fun of trying is what gives life its spice.

So the changes to the blog are my attempt to be more focused about what I’m doing here. What about the Music Mondays, the Who Reviews, the Sunday School Notes, and all the other non-writing/book-related stuff? I’ll still write those, and all the past posts can be found under the “The Rest of My Life…” tab on the top. However, the focus of the blog from now on is going to be more reader-ly and writer-ly.

But that’s not all that’s going on. I mentioned in a previous post that I’m setting up a Patreon page. I have also set up a Facebook “Writer” page–a “business” page for my writing. As well as blog articles here, I’ll post stuff there from time to time. If you’d like to follow me on Facebook, the link is at the side. It’s also HERE.

I think that’s everything. I hope you like the new look, and enjoy, or at least appreciate, the renewed focus. 🙂

Questions? Comments?



Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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16 Responses

  1. AJ Blythe says:

    I think it’s fabulous – all of it; the new look but definitely the new focus and direction. It’s all a mindset and the more you believe in yourself and show it the more the rest of the world will =)

  2. W.R. Gingell says:

    It looks awesome! And definitely says writer–especially the studious teddy bear 😀 Good on you for taking the next step/s in your commercial writerly journey =)

    • cds says:

      Thanks, W.R. I’ve been thinking about that new banner (featuring Ambrose) for a few days. It’s actually a sort of visual “comp titles” for my work. I know you can’t see all the books there, but they represent the kind of thing I write. Even Ambrose himself is a metaphor for my writing (note the tail). I like it, too. 🙂

  3. This looks great, Colin! Believe in yourself and the rest will follow! <3

  4. RachelErin says:

    The redesign is much more readable, for sure. I look forward to seeing what you write about that is more “writer-ly”. The marketing side of my brain is always intrigued by what blog focus works for writers that attract readers as well.

    The Teddy Bear makes me smile. Reminds of Aloysius. If only Sebastian Flyte had turned to writing instead of drink!

    And Ambrose…if we were the kind of friends who could theologically tease each other, I might express surprise at such a Catholic name for your mascot… ; )

    (NB: please let me know if we’re not. That kind of online friend. As someone married to a former theology academic, it comes naturally around others of that tribe).

    • cds says:

      Thank you, Rachel! I’m still figuring out how to attract both readers and writers, so we’ll learn together. 🙂

      Okay, so the “Teddy Bear” is in fact a cat. I bought him in England when I was at university. At that time he was the mascot for Ambrosia Creamed Rice. I sent off three can labels along with some money, and they sent me back Ambrose. So the name came with the cat, and I decided not to change it.

      As for Ambrose being a “Catholic” name… if you’re referring to Ambrose of Milan, he was a pretty neat early church father. I don’t hold him in the same regard as Roman Catholics do, but I certainly appreciate his stand for Nicene orthodoxy against the Arians. That’s the major difference between Prots (especially Reformed Prots, like me) and Catholics when it comes to the ECFs–we let them be the smart but fallible, inspiring but not inspired, men that they were… and we don’t anachronistically make them part of an organisation that didn’t exist at the time. 😉

      Does that answer your question? 😀

  5. Ian Smith says:

    Is that woman really called ‘Doubt Procrastination Comfort’?? The product of pessimistic Quakers? 😉

  6. Love the shift, Colin. Eyes will be on you.

  7. Diane says:

    I am late to the party, but Susan gave me a soundtrack that’s great – “Free Your Mind – and the rest will follow!” (yay, En Vogue!). 🙂

    And RachelErin and you, Colin, have me reminiscing about research on Christianity circa the 5th and 6th centuries!

    JDF is right. I may be slow to get to the party, but it IS a party at your blog, Colin!

  8. E.Maree. says:

    Really looking forward to seeing where this new direction takes you! Proud of you for focusing on your dreams and goals. 🙂 Rooting for you all the way from Scotland, as always.

  1. January 12, 2022


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