2018 A-to-Z Challenge Theme Reveal

Yes, my blog friends, I am planning to participate in this year’s A-to-Z Blogging Challenge. That’s the challenge where you blog every day for the month of April (excluding Sundays), and each day’s blog must be somehow based upon a consecutive letter of the English alphabet (day 1 = A, day 2 = B, day 3 = C, etc.).

Last year I didn’t participate, but the year before (2016), I wrote 100-word flash fiction stories based on Paul McCartney song titles. So we had “Another Day,” “Backwards Traveller,” “Coming Up,” “Distractions,” “Every Night,” etc.

This year, I’m raising the stakes. Upping the ante. Pushing myself to the limits of my sanity. For this year’s challenge, I am writing 100-word flash stories again, but with a twist…

… I’m writing each one the day before based on commenter’s suggestions. EEK!! 😯

I’m going to go ahead and take suggestions for “A”-themes (words, names, phrases starting with “A”). When I post that “A” story on April 1, I will ask commenters to give me “B”-themes. I’ll then choose one and write a story that will appear the next day. And so on for the rest of the month.

As if that’s not enough… I will periodically write another story based on one of the other suggestions, and post that on my Patreon site for my Patrons. I’ll let you know on the blog when a Patreon story is available, but only my Patrons will be able to see it. πŸ™‚ You can go ahead and sign up to be a Patron for as little as $1/month, though I may restrict some stories to $3+/month Patrons.

So, give me some “A” themes/words/phrases… and I’ll see you back here on April 1st to find out what I came up with!


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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18 Responses

  1. AJ Blythe says:

    I’m aghast at the anguish awaiting you, Colin. Perhaps an apple a day will keep you awake as you angst and agonise over the words. Considering the challenge, perhaps the first one should be…alphabet =)

  2. You are brave! Good luck with the writing – hope it all goes smoothly for you.
    Tasha’s Theme Reveal

    • cds says:

      Thank you, Tasha. Hopefully I’ll have commenters willing to give me suggestions… otherwise it could be very… interesting! πŸ™‚

  3. lissa says:

    I had the same idea but I decided not to do it but I’m glad you’re doing it. perhaps I’ll do this next year. we’ll see.

    a word or phrase:
    – april fool’s day
    – apology
    – apple pie eating contest
    – above the clouds – a song by cynid lauper that seems to be on my playlist lately

    that’s it.

    have a lovely day.

  4. Ailing Apple-offering asp.

  5. Celia Reaves says:

    EEEK indeed! You are a brave, brave man. Insane, but brave! I look forward to seeing the suggestions you get, the selections you make, and the stories you create. Bravo!

  6. jazzfeathers says:

    WOW! That’s an ambitious challenge! I dont’ think I’d ever be able to do that. In fact, I’m already writing my posts… well, you know πŸ˜‰

    The Old Shelter – Theme Reveal – Weimar Germany

    • cds says:

      I managed to keep a few days ahead on my first A-to-Z, but the past four times I’ve written the posts at least a few weeks in advance. Last time (two years ago), I had half or more of them written by now. Scary…! πŸ™‚

      All the best with your A-to-Z, jazzfeathers!

  7. Dena Pawling says:

    Less than 24 hours ahead? A is for absurd. B is for batty. C is for crazy. D is for demented. E is for … well, you get the idea =)

    • cds says:

      Why, thank you, Dena! Yes, less than 24 hours ahead… while still doing the daily #vss365 stories, too. BTW, are those your suggestions for the first four letters? πŸ˜‰

  8. Great theme and a brave format! My “A” suggestion is “Awakened”

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