
And so, here we are. The last day of the 2018 A-to-Z Blogging Challenge. This has been fun and exciting for me, both writing these stories, and reading your comments and suggestions. Thank you all for your support and help over the last month! For our last story, I’m taking Dena Pawling‘s suggestion, and going for a prompt that both she and AJ Blythe suggested. There’s more to this story than meets the eye… πŸ™‚


I was there when the last page of the Hindenburg’s story was written. I was just a good ole boy, a bon homme as the French might say, doing my job getting the ground ready for the ship to land.

Then the explosion. Fire eating the skin of the ship like acid. I stood in shock. I should have run, but my feet were planted. The ship went down like a lead balloon.

In the end it was nothing but an empty shell. Me too.

I’d always wanted to fly, but I lost the jones for air travel that day.

On May 7th, I’ll be posting an “A-to-Z Reflections” post (it’s traditional). In advance of that, I’d be interested to know which of the past 26 stories have been your favorites. Let me know in the comments! Thanks.

P.S.: If you’re missing my 100-word flash stories already, I submitted one to The Drabble a few weeks ago, and they accepted it for publication. It went live on their website yesterday. Click HERE to read it!

P.P.S: There’s a BONUS STORY on my Patreon site, available to those who help support my writing endeavors to the tune of at least $1/month. You can find my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/colindsmith


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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12 Responses

  1. Dena Pawling says:

    Lead balloon LOL. Perhaps you spelled that wrong?!


    I’m glad you decided to participate in the challenge this year! I will definitely miss your stories.


  2. debscarey says:

    Oh nice ending!
    [applause, applause]

    A-Zing this year at:
    Normally found at:

  3. lissa says:

    I guess I missed something because I didn’t see anything deeper than a zeppelin going down and someone losing something precious to them.

    I had a lovely time reading your stories. thank you.

    have a lovely day.

    • cds says:

      Well… since it’s been up for over a day… The words “page,” “bon homme,” “plant,” and “jones” are references to Jimmy Page, John Bohnam, Robert Plant, and John Paul Jones, who were Led Zeppelin. I also threw in “lead balloon” because, it seems, that’s what they were originally going to be called, but someone suggested they go bigger than a balloon. What would be the biggest balloon? A zeppelin! And they changed “lead” to “led” so people wouldn’t pronounce it incorrectly.

      Thank you for reading and for your encouragement and support, lissa! πŸ™‚

  4. Oh, the humanity. Congrats on completing your A To Z Challenge. You write excellent stories.

  5. Jane Burgess says:

    It’s finally come to an end! I shall miss reading your daily offering of alphabet fun! The stories have been so well crafted ! It’s been a privilege to read them each day. Thank you Colin.

    • cds says:

      Thank you for you kind comments, prompt suggestions, and encouragement, Jane. This has been a lot of fun for me too. πŸ™‚

  6. AJ Blythe says:

    Late I know but I’ve finally made it. You’ve done an amazing job with your FF again this year *round of applause*.

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