Very Short Story: #Jazz

I’ve mentioned before that I’m participating in the daily #vss365 challenge on Twitter. The point of the challenge is to get writers to compose a Very Short Story every day for 365 days (vss365–geddit?) using a provided prompt word. “Very Short” is defined by the size of a tweet (280 characters). I usually get some likes and re-tweets for my efforts which is very gratifying and encouraging. But the one I posted yesterday seemed to touch a chord with people. As of this writing, it has received 61 likes, 6 retweets, and 6 replies. To most, that’s probably nothing. For me, that’s as good as viral!

Since people on Twitter seemed to like it, I thought I’d share it with my blog friends who, perhaps, don’t have a Twitter account. The prompt word was “#jazz.” Here it is:


Notice that I’m not just describing these two people. Each line is a stage in their lives: the meeting, the first date, the wedding, jobs, children, settling down, illness, and death.

Anyway, I hope you like it as much as Twitter seems to. 🙂


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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4 Responses

  1. Jane Burgess says:

    Oh I loved this. Well done you. It’s a bit like the song that was popular a couple of years ago called “I wasn’t expecting that “. Can’t remember the singer but I loved the song! It was very poignant. It was about a love affair.
    And no I’m not accusing you of plagiarism 😂. Both completely different but both struck a cord.
    Love to you guys.
    From Jane

    • cds says:

      Thanks, Jane–glad you liked it. Update: It now has 100 “likes” on Twitter. Again, that’s nothing for some (maybe most), but for me that’s a big deal. 😀

  2. joyweesemoll says:

    I liked it! So, I liked it on Twitter, too.

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