North Carolina’s Emerging Writers: An Anthology of Fiction

Just a quick reminder that today is the official release date for the North Carolina’s Emerging Writers fiction anthology. Why should you care? Well, first, it’s an anthology of short fiction stories, so what’s not to care about? But second, and by no means of little importance to you, faithful blog reader, this anthology includes my short story “The Council of Three.”

Get your copy today! If you use the following link to order, I will get a share of the sale:

Of course, if you’d like to support my writing efforts in other ways, become a Patron! I’m tossing around ideas for this month’s Patreon gift, so be sure to sign up to find out what it will be…


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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4 Responses

  1. Jane Burgess says:

    Colin can you buy this for shipping to the UK? I can’t see if they send abroad on the website! I’d love to buy a copy. Jane x

    • cds says:

      Awww, thanks Jane! I’m finding out now if you can purchase internationally via my link. If not, you can get a copy through Amazon (I just checked and you can get it through Of course, I don’t get anything for the Amazon purchase, but if you can’t get it via my link then that’s probably your best bet. Honestly, I don’t mind whichever you do. I’m glad you want to read it. The $$$ is just icing.

      Watch this space! I’ll post a response to your question when I have one. 🙂

      • cds says:

        I heard back from the publisher. They say they do ship internationally. Just be aware that it will cost more and take longer to get to you. You probably figured that anyway, but I’m just passing along what they said. 🙂

  2. Jane Burgess says:

    Thanks Colin. I’ll see what I can do. J x

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