Buy Me a Ko-Fi!

Okay, that title came off a little more demanding than I intended. So, what’s this “Ko-Fi” of which I speak, and why would a ex-pat Brit even be talking about coffee?

The idea behind is that of buying someone a coffee, either as a thank-you, or a treat. It’s a low-cost, one-time gift that can be repeated as often as you want.

As you may have gathered, I am trying to come up with ways of earning some money from my writing without making a big deal out of it. I have my Patreon, but wondered if maybe people would prefer a way to give that doesn’t involve an on-going commitment. “So,” I said to myself, “Let’s give ko-fi a try!”

[Speaking of coffee, I’m not by upbringing or natural inclination a coffee drinker. However, over the last year, I have been drawn into the world of coffee thanks to my good friend Mike Fox and his local business, Blackbeard. I have to say, it’s some darn good coffee. And I say that as a tea-drinker. Even if you don’t live in Greenville, NC, you can get yourself some Blackbeard by ordering online. Check them out!]

Back to ko-fi.

So… if you like my writing, or you’ve been helped or blessed by something I’ve written, or just want to say “Hey, Colin, keep up the good work!” consider throwing a few coppers in the Ko-Fi jar. I’ll set some goals that are both fun and for-real so you know that what you give will be of help to me.

Thanks! 🙂


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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