This Is Not the Colin Smith You’re Looking For…

… or maybe it is…??
I’ve been surprised at how many other Colin Smiths there are. I’ve counted four of us so far at work. And online? One can only imagine!
There is one particular Colin Smith that I’ve been mistaken for online, largely because of my theological posts. That other Colin Smith does share some things in common with me:
- He’s a Christian.
- He’s from the UK and currently lives in the US.
- He has both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in theology.
- He has written on Biblical and theological topics.
- He is a pastor.
- He is married.
- His first name is Colin and his last name is Smith.
As for me:
- I am a Christian.
- I’m from the UK and currently live in the US.
- I have both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in theology.
- I have written on Biblical and theological topics.
- I am not currently pastoring, but I have been a pastor.
- I am married.
- My first name is Colin and my last name is Smith.
- Pastor Colin Smith is originally from Scotland. My roots are Scots-Irish, but I lived in England before coming to the States.
- Pastor Smith’s master’s degree is an M.Phil., whereas mine is an M.Div.
- Pastor Smith is a published author and is invited to speak at big events. I’ve written papers and blog articles, and was invited by my church to teach Sunday School.
- Pastor Smith is Evangelical Free; I’m Reformed Baptist.
- Pastor Smith’s wife’s name is Karen, mine is April.
- Pastor Smith’s middle initial is S, mine is D.
So, if you’ve come here looking for Pastor Colin S. Smith, sorry, I’m not him. Nevertheless, I hope you’ll find something here that edifies, educates, or entertains.
[And if you like what you read, consider saying “thanks” with a Ko-fi! :)]
Have you been mistaken online for a more famous namesake?
Wow, yes, very confusing! As it happens, though, you are the Colin Smith I’m looking for.
This hasn’t happened to me but then I’ve never Googled myself. It did happen once when I had to look up someone named Walter Berger.
Yay! Thanks, Jennifer. 🙂
It may seem odd, and a little self-indulgent, to Google yourself. But it’s good to know who else out there has your name. Especially if you are publicly visible (e.g., you’re a writer, or you have a blog), it’s good to know what’s out there with your name on it.
Now I’m curious what happened to prompt this post?
There is another person with my real name living here. I was expecting some paperwork in the mail from a not-for-profit I support and it didn’t turn up. Apparently the volunteer knew of the other “me” and assumed it was them so had dropped it to them at work. They weren’t there at the time so my paperwork was slid under their office door, never to be seen again!
Hey, AJ! In recent years and weeks, I’ve received some comments and emails from people about my book or sermon series thinking I’m the other Colin Smith. Even my neighbor (who goes to church with us) emailed me to say she did a double-take when she saw a book with my name on it. Of late I’ve noticed people have been reading my Sunday Devotionals, so I thought it would be good to make sure people aren’t reading me thinking I’m him. I’d hate to sully the poor man’s reputation. 🙂
Eeek! That’s the worst–when someone mistakes someone else for you and your alter-ego doesn’t rectify the mistake. When I get meeting invitations or emails obviously intended for another Colin Smith, I usually either forward to the correct Colin, or notify the sender they have the wrong person.