Who Review: The Doctor Dances
The Doctor, Rose, and Captain Jack Harkness narrowly escape being turned into gas-mask zombies, but their respite from danger is short-lived. All around, the sick and dying are growing gas masks and crying out...
The Doctor, Rose, and Captain Jack Harkness narrowly escape being turned into gas-mask zombies, but their respite from danger is short-lived. All around, the sick and dying are growing gas masks and crying out...
The TARDIS chases a cylindrical vessel as it hurtles through space, jumping time tracks, making its way toward Earth. When the TARDIS lands, it’s in a London back-alley, a month after the vessel made...
Having taken Rose on an adventure in the future, the Doctor whisks her to Earth’s past–specifically, Naples in 1860. But that’s not where the TARDIS ends up. Instead, the Doctor and Rose find themselves...