Matthew 11:12: Taking the Kingdom by Force?
From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force. This statement from Jesus comes in the middle of a speech...
The Doctor manages to return her new friends to Sheffield. Instead of leaving, the Doctor stays for a while–and just as well. It seems the spiders have been getting restless. Unusual spider activity has...
This seems like a strange question to ask, especially in a Christian context. After all, we believe the Bible teaches very clearly that God intended men and women to marry and have children (e.g.,...
The higher education system here in the United States baffles me. What is the point? What did those who devised this system hope to achieve? Is this what “higher education” is about? As you...
While trying to get her new friends back to present-day Sheffield, England, the Doctor inadvertently lands the TARDIS in 1950s Montgomery, Alabama. The year is 1955, and a chance encounter with Rosa Parks, the...
Those familiar with the Gospels know that Jesus ate a last meal with his disciples (often referred to as “The Last Supper”) before he was betrayed and crucified. The Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and...
This is not going to be an exhaustive study of the four Gospels, but rather a brief overview of what Christians believe about these books. I also want to provide a different perspective to...
Okay, that title came off a little more demanding than I intended. So, what’s this “Ko-Fi” of which I speak, and why would a ex-pat Brit even be talking about coffee? The idea behind