
Here are some stories of mine for your reading pleasure. These really are free for you to download, pass on to your friends, pin on your wall, put on your Kindle, whatever floats your boat. I just ask that you respect copyright and give credit where credit’s due. And if you *really* like them, why not tell me so I might be encouraged to write more! Use the comments at the bottom to give me feedback. Or if you would like to provide feedback via email, send your encouragements or kind critiques to (replacing the -at- for @).

You will need Adobe Reader or something that lets you read pdfs to view these.

Flash Fiction

A Bitter Pill
The Familiar Magistrate
The Meeting
The Precious Reward
A-to-Z Blogging Challenge 2013 Flash Fiction Stories
A-to-Z Blogging Challenge 2014 Flash Fiction Stories

Horror at the Dentist (My entry for InkAfterDark’s 2016 Monster Mash contest; I placed “Runner Up”)

Short Stories

“Time in a Bottle” published in Empyreome Magazine, October 2017.
“My Name is Elizabeth Lansford, and I’ve Lost Something…”: Something’s not right in Elizabeth Lansford’s world, and she needs to remember why–quickly!
Hourglass: A strange challenge proves too tempting for young Harrison Kinley in this dystopian-paranormal tale.
Tortilla: Teen detective Jasper Quinn takes on a thief in a Mexican restaurant.
A Close Encounter: Pearl, a teenage alien, drops in on Jasper Quinn by accident. (Originally written for a YA Highway challenge)