2014 World Cup Thoughts
*sigh*… England. Despite losing to Italy, I saw such hope from the team. But having talented players can only help so much. You have to coordinate as a team, and have a plan–a strategy....
Those that know me know that I’m not the biggest sports fan in the world. Okay, that’s an overstatement. I don’t follow sports, and frankly couldn’t care less about most sporting events. Even when...
Since my posts on British Graham Cracker substitutes seem to be quite popular, I thought I’d draw your attention to a recent comment from Samantha Faulkner on my last post. According to Samantha, Tesco,...
For the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge this year, I’m posting a 100 word piece of flash fiction every day. It might be a self-contained story, or a scene–whatever, it’ll be fiction, and it’ll be over...
Snow is an uncommon occurrence in Eastern North Carolina, especially when it’s more than a few inches. Overnight Tuesday into Wednesday, the elements aligned (a system from the Gulf of Mexico, moisture from the...
WriteOnCon, the free online writing conference for picture book, MG, and YA writers, officially starts tomorrow. The forums are open already, but the Ninja Agents aren’t supposed to start visiting until midnight. While my...
Another week, another year, another British Top Twenty Singles Chart! This week, we’re in 1980. So get your rock, disco, techno, punk groove thing on (this was a very confused time for British pop...