RTW: Book of the Month for November, 2012
On the last Road Trip Wednesday of each month, the YA Highway team asks what our favorite book was for that month. This month I have been in the throes of NaNoWriMo. As I...
Okay, okay, that’s a bit of a cheesy blog title for this week’s Road Trip Wednesday, but please, my creative energies are all NaNo-focused, so I’m afraid you get the scrapings from the bottom...
This week’s Road Trip Wednesday question posed by YA Highway asks: How does your writing (place, time, inspiration, etc) change with the seasons? The time, inspiration, and many other aspects of writing really don’t...
Road Trip Wednesday is hosted by YA Highway–the “YA” standing for “Young Adult.” Many young adults have been returning to school over the past week or so. In recognition of this, the YA Highway...