Sunday School Notes: Romans 13:2-3
2 Such that the one resisting the authority is opposing the ordinance of God, and those who oppose will receive judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not [a cause for] fear for good...
Blessed [is] the man who places his confidence in the Lord and has not turned toward the arrogant or those having fallen away to lies. This psalm of David expresses both thanksgiving and assurance....
Today’s A-to-Z post is a tribute to one of my academic heroes: Thomas O. Lambdin, Professor Emeritus of Semitic Languages at Harvard University. He retired in 1983, and as far as I know he’s...
If you’re a writer, you’re probably thinking “left, right, or center?” Sorry, not that kind of justification. Today for the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge, we’re getting theological. The doctrine of Justification is the heart of...
Let every soul be subject to the ruling authorities. For there is no authority except by God, and those existing are ordained by God. After a short excursion into Covenant Theology, we returned this...