A to Z Catch Up #1
We’re in the midst of the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge here on the blog. Since there are no A-to-Z blogs on Sunday, I thought I’d take this opportunity to get you caught up on where...
This April, in a little over a week, in fact, I will be participating in the 2016 A-to-Z Blogging Challenge. In this challenge, participating bloggers post an article every day for the month of...
A-to-Z Blogging Challenge / Books / Misc / Reading / Writing
This week, I play with mirrors, pick up birds, and get lost in translation. But first, it’s March already, my birthday month (search the blog to find out exactly when–I’m sure I mentioned it...
A few years ago, I pondered aloud whether Dickens would get a literary agent if he were trying to become a published author today. I was throwing out some thoughts on what “classic” novels...