A-to-Z Blogging Challenge Re-Cap: Week 1
The A-to-Z Blogging Challenge takes a break on Sundays, so I’m using this opportunity to recap the previous week’s posts. As you may or may not know, I’m writing 100-word flash fiction stories for...
The A-to-Z Blogging Challenge takes a break on Sundays, so I’m using this opportunity to recap the previous week’s posts. As you may or may not know, I’m writing 100-word flash fiction stories for...
Today’s A-to-Z Challenge letter is F. F for Frankenstein, or Fiddle, or other F-words that you won’t see on this blog. The prompt for today’s 100-word flash fiction story was offered yesterday by my dear...
It’s “E” day on the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge. This year, I’m writing 100-word flash fiction based on prompts given the day before by commenters. This is writing without a safety net. Writing on the...
Is it April 30th yet? Only Day FOUR?? For those who don’t know, I’m doing the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge this year, writing 100-word flash fiction stories every day. The twist is each day’s story...
It’s “C”-Day on the A-to-Z Challenge, where I am attempting to write a 100-word flash fiction story every day based on commenters’ prompts. Thank you so much for yesterday’s suggestions. I thought about all...
Day 2 of the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge, and today’s 100-word flash fiction story’s title comes courtesy of Liam Sullivan from yesterday’s comments. Thanks, Liam! BUTTERED BREAD “Marsha?” “Whole wheat, I think…” “Marsha!” “Go...
It’s DAY ONE of the 2018 A-to-Z Blogging Challenge! This year, I’m writing 100-word flash fiction every day (except Sundays, apart from today), again. This time, I’m using prompts suggested by YOU. Which gives...
Yes, my blog friends, I am planning to participate in this year’s A-to-Z Blogging Challenge. That’s the challenge where you blog every day for the month of April (excluding Sundays), and each day’s blog...