RTW: Goals for 2012
This week’s Road Trip Wednesday question, set by the writer ladies at YA Highway, is: What are your goals for the new year—for reading, writing, or other? I don’t really have a big “2013...
Wait, wait, wait! Didn’t I do this last Friday? Yes, I did. Those faithful folks who, despite the Christmas cheer and New Year’s plans, visited my blog on Friday will recall that I already...
This week’s Road Trip Wednesday, hosted by YA Highway, is focused on the post-NaNoWriMo world of editing and revising. The question they are asking today is: How do you approach editing/revising? Any tips or...
It’s Road Trip Wednesday time again, and, as you might be aware, this is a particularly busy week, what with Thanksgiving, Black Friday shopping, and, for a bunch of us, NaNoWriMo. The prompt from...
Okay, okay, that’s a bit of a cheesy blog title for this week’s Road Trip Wednesday, but please, my creative energies are all NaNo-focused, so I’m afraid you get the scrapings from the bottom...
If you’re like me, and in my situation (unpublished, unagented, and probably a lot of other uns), the most pressing “long term writing goals” are along the lines of “finish this novel,” or “get...